Horst Sondermann, VRayforC4D – The Texture Manual
© 2011, EBook engl., 254 Abbildungen
Layout, Satz, Übersetzung: Horst Sondermann
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This is my first e-book on VRayforC4D®, the VRay® render plugin for Cinema 4D®. It is adding texturing tutorials to SketchUp® Sketchbook Vol.1 which has been released lately.
Why this emphasis on texturing? Well, as far as I know after dealing with visualization for quite some years the key to really good images is the look of virtual materials assigned to a 3D model – lighting and render technique have become rather simple over the years, yet texturing stays an arcane and complex subject.
Texturing is like painting – after all we create just images that resemble something real. Actually while texturing 3D models we do nothing else than so many painters have done before, like Pieter deHooch for example – and for being successful we as well have to get a feeling for the proper use of our tools.
This book is a step-by-step-introduction to the Cinema 4D® and VRay® material system allowing for the most advanced and realistic looking textures in computer visualization.
I start my series of VRay® books with composing rather simple textures, by no means making use of all of Cinema 4D®‘s or Vray®‘s potential – just in order to develop a sense of control over those basic material parameters so well dispatched over the software‘s crowded interface.
I am not going to deal with texturing in theory but will develop materials as part of a specific project – texturing a 3D model of Adolf Loos‘ House Moller in Vienna, a complex spatial structure tamed by a rather ascetic and serene cubature. This book is considered to be complementary to my first e-book on SketchUp® in which the model‘s CAD construction is explained. Our model is very simple – like a paper model in a way – and so will be our first steps into texturing.
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