In Grasshopper, you can extract list items by their name. Match Text looks for strings resulting in a True/False pattern. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Retrieve Domain Value
In Grasshopper you can retrieve a Domain’s positive value with only 1 component. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Handle Paths with List / Cull
You can extract Grasshopper Data Tree Paths just like simple List Items. It’s slightly more work though – Param Viewer and Tree Branch are key. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Retrieve Data Tree Branch
In Grasshopper you can retrieve branches from data trees with Tree Branch. This works with a single branch and also with a set of branches. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Map to Surface
In Rhino3D Grasshopper, Map to Surface is a powerful way to project curves on any given surface. A diagonal quad grid on a cylindrical vault will serve as an example. Weiter …
3 Point Parabola in Grasshopper + Python
A Parabola based on 3 given Points can be made with Grasshopper – but you’ll have to script it. Here, I did it with Python: not as difficult as it seems! Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Mesh Slope Colorizer
In Rhino3D and Grasshopper, colorize a mesh surface dependant on its slope angle. Inspired by Luis Fraguarda’s O’Reilly Course, but the final solution I chose is by David Rutten. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: Geometry Pipeline Component
In Rhino3D Grasshopper the Geometry Pipeline input parameter allows referencing all Rhino3D geometry in one step, optionally filtered by layers and names. Weiter …
Rhino3D Grasshopper: MD Slider for Scalable Box
In Rhino3D Grasshopper, I just discovered the MD Slider and wanted to utilize its 2-Dimension input for producing a scalable 3D-Box. Weiter …
Grasshopper ARCHICAD: Freeform Surface Grid
A freeform surface grid is a standard task in parametric modeling. And a good reason to use ARCHICAD together with Grasshopper. See here some of the basics. Weiter …